Friday 29 April 2016

Brewing is in Progress!

The past week, I felt discomfort in my upper stomach, and mild motion sickness like. Bought pregnancy kit tester, the result was a negative. So, we were thinking, ah not yet.
We didn't give up and bought another test kit, just in case we wanna try again.

Pre pregnancy weight: Range 49.8 - 50.4 kg.

17 January 2015
I tested again with the 2nd test kit. Oh Boy, the result is a Positive!! We knew that, I may be pregnant because all these symptoms. Actually, I checked because I want to make sure  gift him with the good news as his birthday is due tomorrow.

Location: Toilet
Scene: After testing, I cleaned and put the kit back on the box. Left it on the toilet. He came in and went straight to shower. He asked "Why the old tester box still there?" *It is different brand duh!* Me answered "I don't know! Do you want to throw it?" He picked it up and opened it. His eyes were twinkling in happiness. "See!! I told you, you are pregnant!!" B exclaimed!

Then in the morning, we went to Kluang to see gynae. I was 4 weeks' pregnant!!! Baby is 1.5 cm :) The expected due date will be 19 Sept 2016!!!

Told my mom over the phone! She's very pantang, so she told me in details what can and CAN'T do.

1. NO washing/brushing toilet/bathroom
2. NO running/jumping
3. NO climb of staircase
I will update if there are new CAN'T do :D

1 Feb 2016
Now, I knew how was morning sickness supposed to like. It shuddered me every time I recalled what happened this morning! Was ordering my breakfast, B was not around because he was late for work, I was super hungry so I decided to buy myself. I knew I was not feeling well when I queued for order. I 'tapao' as I would not be able to eat everything. haha.. I was right, while I was about to eat, I felt nauseous, and was going to vomit. I thought, I was too hungry, that's why it happened. I ate one spoon and I stopped. Hurriedly, I moved to inner table without fan, and ordered a hot chrysanthemum tea. Yes, right after I almost finished with my tea, cold sweats ran through my back. I was cold. Thoughts were dashing across my mind. "How do I go back home? Do I have to MC today? I have no energy left even to walk to bus stop" Those thoughts were bugging me. I was pale. After settling down for few more minutes, I have the strength to walk to bus stop. Halfway, I could not take it, and stormed to the nearest toilet. Yes, fountain of tea came from my mouth! T.T To my surprised, i felt much better after that. Then I went off to work as usual, but decided to inform my boss that I was unwell and missed the morning meeting. Reached office, continued my breakfast hahaha..

6 Feb 2016
This morning, my bro, mom, B and I went for our check up. We are able to hear our baby heart beat. It went as "Bop Bop Bop Bop" It was loud and clear. Could see his head, hands and legs. It was magical and we should capture the moment, but we didnt. Too engrossed with what we saw, till I felt pain on my abdomen, because the doctor pressed too hard. hahaha.. Then he loosened his grip on 'thing', and just printed the scan. The scan was not as clear as the screen/image we saw >.<

He gave me as usual, calcium and frolic acid + low blood press + DHA. He said it was normal for preggers to have low blood pressure. BP: 114/67 if I remembered correctly.

CNY Week
OMG! I believed due to this pregnancy hormones, I became weaker and easily tired. I had disliked steamboat, so eating dinner was a hassle! Because, we had steamboat almost everyday. My tastebud was very sensitive too. I didnt seem to go well with bland food. hahaha. I thought, I may have evening sickness, because in the morning I felt well, but at night I felt miserable, especially after brushing my teeth. Always the same feeling vomiting but nothing comes out. My stomach curled up after that. Worst worst feeling. It was not like I made it that way, it just happened naturally.

14 Feb 2016
Nothing much happened. We went to follow bro in law for late lunch, because he was going to send us to Sg. Yay!!! My valentine at least got to eat Teppanyaki. Or else, I only have home-cooked food and yang zhou zhao fan. hahahha.. not romantic at all.. hahahah

15 Feb 2016
Now I am 9 weeks pregnant. Current weight: 50.3kg.
I chocked when I consumed my med at night. As a result, I coughed and threw up! There goes my dinner T.T Again, felt miserable after that. Haiz.
 Oh oh. We have received letter from HDB regarding our application. *Praying hard that we will get the Dawson! Bo bi Bo bi Bo bi!*

19 March 2016
Monthly check up. Baby is doing well. As usual, keep moving here and there :) Ask the gynae, if he lets me to Bangkok next weekend. Luckily, he gave a green light. Just make sure, I did not eat any road side or uncooked food. YES SIR!!!

These days, I do not like Chinese food, and worst still, I get very tired easily. Last tuesday, met up with Amel. I joined her for shopping spree in JE. I was lethargic all the time. I was so scared if I cannot make it in BKK. You know, shopping and stuff. *Crossing my fingers, everything will be ok!*

24-27 Mar 2016
I am surprised on how I can walk that much, without feeling tired! HAHAHA.. I think shopping is the medicine that I need! We are like walking every corner of the Platinum Plaza! Goodness me! It is crazy! My appetite is finally back! I can eat all the food! Hmm, I love Thai food more than Chinese Food! hahaha..

Funny thing is, if I do not buy any items, or nothing I fancy, I will feel tired, like leg pain, back pain, whatever pain! hahaha.. My BFF felt the same way too. Shopping is good! hahaha..

Took Tuk Tuk for a few rides! ckckck.. I was literally flying, if B didn't pull me.. hahaha.. I sit in between them, and hug their hands as my protective 'seat belt' HAHAHA..

Overall really enjoy my BKK trip, because we take taxi all the time:) Thanks to my patient companion for the trip. Love you twoooo!

Pregnant Status: 16 weeks!
Weight: 50.4kg

If I have time, I will continue my baby diary :))))

Monday 7 December 2015

Steps to Renounce Indonesian Citizenship in Singapore

At this point, I believe you have received the Approval Letter from ICA. CONGRATULATIONS!

Things to take note before going down to Indonesia Embassy:
  1. Make declaration to renounce Indonesian citizenship by Notary Public
    Bring the following documents:
    - ICA Approval Letter
    - Passport
    - SBKRI (Indonesian Citizenship Certificate) if any
    - Birth Certificate
    - Family Household Card (Kartu Keluarga)
    - KTP
    - Re-Entry Permit (Form 7)
    - Copy of Spouse's  Sg IC/Passport
    - Copy of Marriage Cert

    Do let them know if you don't have any of the documents with you. As for my case, I don't have SBKRI because I was born as Indonesian, not like my parents who have SBKRI because they were then WNA before converting to WNI.

    The Notary Public I used is
    Tan, Lee & Choo Advocates & Solicitors
    1 Park Road #04-04
    People's Park Complex
    Singapore 059108

    Tel: 65356077

    The cost is $176.75 (all inclusive gst etc) based on 04/12/2015. It is advisable to make appointment, to avoid disappointment. I was lucky that day, as I walked-in to do the declaration letter. I was served by Donna, very kind and friendly lady. You may look for her for your paper work.
    NOTE: It is open on Saturday too!! So, you can save your leave to do this. :D

    While sorting the documents, I was given a renunciation form to fill up my particulars etc. Please don't write the date or sign it , as you need to sign on the Materai (stamp duty).

    They offer to do Deed Poll (name change), just in case you wish to add you Chinese Name :)
    The fee will be $150 (all inclusive gst etc).
  2. The Declaration must be legalized by Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) located at 1 Supreme Court Lane, Singapore 178879 Tel: 63324388 Fax: 63344940

    Donna helped me to legalize the declaration on my behalf. Thank God, I don't have to run here to do the legalizing hehehe
  3. Submit the Declaration Letter with all your documents to Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) for endorsement.

    Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tanglin, Singapore 248163
    Office Hours: Mon-Fri (9am -12.30pm, 2.30 - 4.30 pm) Sat (9am - 12.30pm)

  4. Submit all your documents with endorsed Declaration letter to Consular Section at Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, and attach the following documents:
    - Original Declaration of Renunciation of Indonesian Citizenship from Notary Public
    - Approval Letter from ICA (Photocopy)
    - Original Birth Cert
    - Original Passport
    - Original SKBRI if any
    - Original KTP
    - Original or Photocopy of Kartu Keluarga
    - Copy of Spouse's Singapore IC (Photocopy)
    - Marriage Cert (Photocopy)
    - Singapore IC for applicant (Photocopy)
  5. The embassy will process the documents within 5 working days. The cost of legalization is $32. Submission time: Mon-Fri (9am-12pm)
Once you have received Indonesia Renunciation letter, you can proceed to take the Oath of renunciation, at the same time you can apply for Singapore IC and Passport.

Registration Operating Hours: 8am -3.45pm.

Welcome On Board Fellow New Citizens :)

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Korea December 2013 - Day 1 ( KL - Seoul)


After long delay of posting this travelogue, finally I have the time to sit down and type my adventures! Honestly, I have plenty of time but I am lazy.. hahaha..

My very first time to travel to Annyeong land, so I was super excited. I planned the itineraries in months, like what to shop, etc. :D

Without further ado, let's get started!

Bought this ticket to Seoul because the price was so cheap! 1K ringgit for 2 pax by AirAsia X in Jan 2013.
Posing at Changi Airport

SG- KL: arrived at 0140 due to some delay >.<

We stayed at Youniq Hotel outside LCCT (20 mins drive). I feel the price is reasonable compared to Tune Hotels. They provide shuttle services to/from LCCT and KLIA for a fee. 

If you wish to book or know more information, you can go to

That's my room for 2 pax.

 KL-Seoul: departed at 750am arrived at 1530.

I have photos of the food that I purchased but was on my camera. hahaha.. So, the photos I have now all from Iphone hehehe..
B at Incheon Airport 

That's me! 

 We stayed at Tori Hotel at Ehwa Women's University! ADVISE: If you stay at this hotel, you can request for level 1. Because the room is bigger, and reduce your hazzle to carry the luggages up! The receptionist guy will help you but the room is much smaller. That's my experience from staying there. The room as pictured, was located at level 1. The level 4 was much smaller!

Things we did:
Myeongdong : B cut his hair at Lee Chul Hairkerker (이철헤어커커) for 25,000 Won! We went there because I want to know how much to do perm. 
The money changer here (below the salon) has a better rate compared to others. We were looking for almost all money changers at Myeongdong despite the coldness T.T

Lee Chul Hairkerker : Exit 6, walk straight to Migliore, then turn left, walk straight till you see THE SAEM. Just opposite that building. 

Not exactly, after hair cut photo, because it is taken Day 6 of the trip hahaha.. 

Haul of the day!

Next post will be on Jeju Trip!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Sponsored Review: NYX Eye Shadow


I am going to review NYX Eye Shadow from (Note: is a platform designed for you guys to test products yourself and do a review. You can post your products and let others to try and revuew it. Simply, fill a form and team will select one or more people to test the product and it is FOC) * It is my FIRST time joining!*

Background of NYX Cosmetics:
NYX originated and is headquartered in  Los Angeles. It is founded by Toni Ko in 1999. Ms Ko has always desired to create and share a line of cosmetics that provided quality products at approachable prices.

Here's the catch: NYX offers the best quality of cosmetics at attractive prices. So, you can splurge without guilt ^^. This has made NYX offers the best quality of cosmetic company in the United States.

Back to review:

NYX Triple Eye Shadows from
NYX Triple Eye Shadows is one of the many eye shadows palettes from NYX palette, which in each palette has 3 different colors. For my review, I have NYX Triple Eye Shadows with a combination of black, grey and white colors. From this combination, you can create smokey-eye look or whichever look you wish to portray. ^^

The packaging is well-packed, light and easy to carry. AND I CANT WAIT TO TRY!!!

Applied Black as base, Grey for contouring my eyes, and White at the inner corner of my eyes

Use the pointed of provided brush for lining the lower lid of my eyes :D

Overall Look with drawn eyebrow hehehe

Overall Look without drawn eye brow


In my opinion, I felt that NYX Triple Eye Shadow is REALLY REALLY GOOD. The texture of the eye shadow is not the powdery kind. So, it blended well with my skin. There is no dusty feel whatsoever after applying the eye shadow, which I felt really good about it. It is easy to apply for a new learner like me ^^. 

The eye shadow may last throughout the day. Of course, you can always retouch your eye make up. On a side note, I tried to wash my face (full of eye make up) with water and yet it didn't smudge. GOOD RIGHT?!

You can apply your eye shadow for daily make up or even for party. Cause, this combination of color is quite natural (meaning not too bold). :D In this case, I applied the eye shadow during the day, just light make up, to perk your look.

The packaging is small and you can just dump it on your handbag, party bag, etc. So, this is a definitely PLUS point which come in handy if you need to retouch your make up. ^^

NYX Triple Eye Shadows offer other combination colors as well, like Aquamarine, Casablanca, Ultra Chic, Perpetual, Rock and Roll, Tropical - Yellow - Lime Green, and many cool colors in each palette of NYX Triple Eye Shadows.

Price is really affordable! I checked online, the price is around IDR105,000.

So, what are you waiting for?! Go get it NOWWW!!! :D

-end post, xoxo-

Sunday 8 September 2013

First Attempt: Oreo Truffles

Yesterday, I made this Oreo Truffles. WHY? Coz I found it very easy to do. BUT I WAS WRONG D:

Let me share the recipe here.

36 pieces of OREO cookies (my case: Original, you can substitute it with others based on your likings ^^)
1 block of Cream Cheese (I used PHILADELPHIA)
1 pack of HERSHEY Semi-Sweet Choco Chips (use half pack)

Ingredients that I used

  1.   Blend the Oreo cookies. You can choose to smash it or blend it though.

After blending the Oreo

   2.    Mixed the Oreo and Cream Cheese, using mixer. 
          Put aside 1/4 of oreo crumbles for decoration.
          Tips: Before mixing, place the cream cheese outside the fridge, to let it softened.

   3.    Make a ball shape from the mixture.
          Tips: If the mixture to soft, just place it at the freezer, to harden it for 10-15 mins. 
          (Please check occasionally)

Dipping the ball to melted choco, out of shape T.T

   4.   Melt the choco chips using Microwave. Place it for 2mins, but every 30s stir the melted  choco.

   5.   Dip the balls to melted choco. This is where I FAILED terribly. Hixz. 
         The balls is totally out of shape. Haiz
         Put some of the oreo crumbles on top of the balls.

   6.   Place the balls into the fridge for 1hr to fully hardened.


Weird Looking Oreo Truffels (゚д゚lll)
CREATIVE RIGHT?! *please nod your head*

Taste is good, but it is quite sweet for my liking T.T, maybe can use less oreo. haha
I don't know why my truffles looks so ugly. hahahaha..
My trolling picture is FUNNY RIGHT! HAHAHAHAHA


Wednesday 28 August 2013

B's Family Grad Photoshoot

B was finally graduated from NUS! It was 3 painful years for him and finally to bid goodbye for his study life. hahaha..

US!! Congrats once again, Dear!
Pweety anot?! HAHAHA

Let's back to the topic. I want to share with you our photoshoot that day. It was taken in Kluang, Johor. 
Like my previous post on the Star Restaurant , we went to take photo before savoring the scrumptious meal. ^^
Hairdo at Simpang Renggam
Must pweety2 before take photo ^^v 

Photostudio is a bridal studio >.<. The reason why B chose this studio, because the package studio for the photoshoot was more attractive! HAHAHA.. *Currently I forget all the names of salon and studio >.< *

Take photo before the real photographer snapped.. hehehe..



Photo of US!
 Not very nice right, if I pestered him to take photo of me many times, so must share the spotlight together. LOL

 CHEERS! End of the blog post!


Monday 19 August 2013

Kluang Guide: Star Coffee House & Restaurant Review

Last weekend, B and I went to Kluang for dinner. It was after his graduation photoshoot with his family. hehehe..

This was my second time eating here, the first would be 2-3 years back. I guess those locals should know this restaurant. During Hari Raya, we wanted to have dinner here, but was FULL HOUSE! So, they take in reservation to avoid disappointment.

Let me share with you the details:
NO.10 & 12, Jalaan Sutanah,
86000 Kluang, Johor.

Tel: 07-7723288, 7730593

Yup, this time B's dad called and reserved a table for 5 of us. HOORAY!!

This is their menu!

Let me show you, what we ordered that day:
Crispy Tasty  Duck (Xiang Shu Ya) RECOMMENDED!!

Apologies! I am supposed to take photo of the food, but honestly I was busy eating, till I realised that I have to take photo. hehehe.. greedy me..hehehe.. 

The duck meat is tender and crispy too. Think of Bejing Duck, very similar to this. It could be your alternative choice if you sick of the normal Beijing Duck. hahaha.. The sauce taste like Beijing Duck sauce, but it was darker (at first, I thought is dark soya sauce, but once I dipped the meat. OMG!! HEAVENLY! hehehe) PERFECTO muacks muacks! ^^

 Bitter Gout  with Egg

The gu gua is soft and not bitter SURPRISINGLY! I dislike bitter gout cause it is bitter. But, I like this! hehe
There is a tinge of sweetness, prolly from the sauce. nomnomnom...

Cod Fish with Soya Sauce 

This my FAVORITES!! The fish is freshly fried, so it is crispy on the outer side. Everything just perfect! LOVEEEEEEEE IT!!<3

Kampong Chicken

I would say Singapore Chicken is still the best! Be it 5 Star Hainanese Chicken or Boon Tong Kee.
Or, maybe my taste too used to Sg's one. (Different people have different preference right?!) 

The first mouth, the chicken was slightly oily and the taste made me feel as though it is not fully marinated. So yeah, I only ate one small piece. hehehe.. :P

Four Season Bean with Ikan Bilis

It is my first try of eating this. I have tried long bean and french beans, but not this.
The first bite, it is bland! Maybe, because it is not mixed fully, or thats the way it tasted. I don't know. hehehe.. Luckily, it is paired with ikan bilis, so fair enough.

Lastly, this restaurant has been visited by local stars too ( Namewee) I only got a glimpse of the stars' photos on the wall. Too embarrassed to take photo! hahaha

Me was there! LOL
Camwhore a bit :P