Monday 19 August 2013

Kluang Guide: Star Coffee House & Restaurant Review

Last weekend, B and I went to Kluang for dinner. It was after his graduation photoshoot with his family. hehehe..

This was my second time eating here, the first would be 2-3 years back. I guess those locals should know this restaurant. During Hari Raya, we wanted to have dinner here, but was FULL HOUSE! So, they take in reservation to avoid disappointment.

Let me share with you the details:
NO.10 & 12, Jalaan Sutanah,
86000 Kluang, Johor.

Tel: 07-7723288, 7730593

Yup, this time B's dad called and reserved a table for 5 of us. HOORAY!!

This is their menu!

Let me show you, what we ordered that day:
Crispy Tasty  Duck (Xiang Shu Ya) RECOMMENDED!!

Apologies! I am supposed to take photo of the food, but honestly I was busy eating, till I realised that I have to take photo. hehehe.. greedy me..hehehe.. 

The duck meat is tender and crispy too. Think of Bejing Duck, very similar to this. It could be your alternative choice if you sick of the normal Beijing Duck. hahaha.. The sauce taste like Beijing Duck sauce, but it was darker (at first, I thought is dark soya sauce, but once I dipped the meat. OMG!! HEAVENLY! hehehe) PERFECTO muacks muacks! ^^

 Bitter Gout  with Egg

The gu gua is soft and not bitter SURPRISINGLY! I dislike bitter gout cause it is bitter. But, I like this! hehe
There is a tinge of sweetness, prolly from the sauce. nomnomnom...

Cod Fish with Soya Sauce 

This my FAVORITES!! The fish is freshly fried, so it is crispy on the outer side. Everything just perfect! LOVEEEEEEEE IT!!<3

Kampong Chicken

I would say Singapore Chicken is still the best! Be it 5 Star Hainanese Chicken or Boon Tong Kee.
Or, maybe my taste too used to Sg's one. (Different people have different preference right?!) 

The first mouth, the chicken was slightly oily and the taste made me feel as though it is not fully marinated. So yeah, I only ate one small piece. hehehe.. :P

Four Season Bean with Ikan Bilis

It is my first try of eating this. I have tried long bean and french beans, but not this.
The first bite, it is bland! Maybe, because it is not mixed fully, or thats the way it tasted. I don't know. hehehe.. Luckily, it is paired with ikan bilis, so fair enough.

Lastly, this restaurant has been visited by local stars too ( Namewee) I only got a glimpse of the stars' photos on the wall. Too embarrassed to take photo! hahaha

Me was there! LOL
Camwhore a bit :P

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