Sunday 8 September 2013

First Attempt: Oreo Truffles

Yesterday, I made this Oreo Truffles. WHY? Coz I found it very easy to do. BUT I WAS WRONG D:

Let me share the recipe here.

36 pieces of OREO cookies (my case: Original, you can substitute it with others based on your likings ^^)
1 block of Cream Cheese (I used PHILADELPHIA)
1 pack of HERSHEY Semi-Sweet Choco Chips (use half pack)

Ingredients that I used

  1.   Blend the Oreo cookies. You can choose to smash it or blend it though.

After blending the Oreo

   2.    Mixed the Oreo and Cream Cheese, using mixer. 
          Put aside 1/4 of oreo crumbles for decoration.
          Tips: Before mixing, place the cream cheese outside the fridge, to let it softened.

   3.    Make a ball shape from the mixture.
          Tips: If the mixture to soft, just place it at the freezer, to harden it for 10-15 mins. 
          (Please check occasionally)

Dipping the ball to melted choco, out of shape T.T

   4.   Melt the choco chips using Microwave. Place it for 2mins, but every 30s stir the melted  choco.

   5.   Dip the balls to melted choco. This is where I FAILED terribly. Hixz. 
         The balls is totally out of shape. Haiz
         Put some of the oreo crumbles on top of the balls.

   6.   Place the balls into the fridge for 1hr to fully hardened.


Weird Looking Oreo Truffels (゚д゚lll)
CREATIVE RIGHT?! *please nod your head*

Taste is good, but it is quite sweet for my liking T.T, maybe can use less oreo. haha
I don't know why my truffles looks so ugly. hahahaha..
My trolling picture is FUNNY RIGHT! HAHAHAHAHA